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Social Security spousal benefits are designed to ensure that the lower-earning spouse doesn’t receive less than half of the higher-earning spouse’s benefit at full retirement age. A basic way to get a handle on this is through a straightforward formula:

(½ of Higher Earner’s Full Retirement Age Benefit)-(Lower Earner’s Full Retirement Age Benefit)
= Spousal Payment

However, the simplicity of the spousal benefit formula can be misleading. The nuances, particularly the different impacts of filing at various ages and the specific adjustments based on age introduce a level of complexity that often puzzles even the most seasoned financial planners.

To help you cut through this complexity, our user-friendly calculator is here. It’s designed to simplify these intricate calculations, giving you a clearer picture of what to expect in terms of Social Security spousal benefits, tailored to your specific circumstances. Whether you're filing early, at full retirement age, or later, this tool will guide you through the numbers, ensuring that you make informed decisions about your benefits.

NOTE: This calculator is based on the input from your Social Security benefit estimate which may or may not be completely accurate. 

For a deeper understanding of spousal benefits, see my article The Social Security Spouse Benefit Simplified

Retirement planning, uncomplicated.

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