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How John Saved $1,034,997 in Fees: A Real-Life Case Study Jul 24, 2024

John stared at the papers scattered across his dining table. Retirement was supposed to be a time of relaxation and enjoyment, but here he was, knee-deep in the complexities of financial planning....

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Debunking 5 Myths About Flat Fee Financial Advisors Jul 17, 2024

The Google search traffic for "flat fee financial advisors" is exploding. At last check, the year-over-year increase in users searching for that term has surged by 900%! It's easy to understand why...

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Inside the S&P 500: How Market Weighting Shapes Your Investment Portfolio Apr 23, 2024

The S&P 500 index is known for its broad representation of the U.S. economy, but the distribution of investments within it reveals a significant concentration of capital among its largest...

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3 Types of Investors Who Should Avoid Flat Fee Financial Advisors Feb 15, 2024

The rising popularity of flat-fee financial advisors is driven by their promise of transparency and a simple, predictable fee structure. This model, where clients pay a fixed fee regardless of...

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The Repeal of Taxes on Social Security Benefits Feb 15, 2024

A Summary of the You Earned It, You Keep It Act

In recent news, the proposal to eliminate federal taxes on Social Security benefits has resurfaced, sparking excitement in the media and discussion...

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The Social Security Spouse Benefit Simplified Feb 15, 2024

The Social Security spouse benefit is one of the most generous benefits from the Social Security Administration! In fact, these benefits are not only generous but also incredibly important when you...

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The Best Break-Even Calculator for Social Security Feb 15, 2024

If you’re thinking about the right time to file for Social Security benefits, utilizing a break-even calculator for Social Security can provide invaluable insights in making an informed...

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5 Things No One Tells You About Retirement Feb 15, 2024

“When I retired, no one told me to expect this.”

This is a sentiment I’ve heard frequently in my over two decades of guiding individuals through their retirement journey. In most...

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What To Expect When Retiring: The Six Phases of Retirement Feb 15, 2024

While every individual’s retirement experience is unique, there is a common pattern that almost all of them follow. It’s a dynamic journey with distinct phases, each with its unique...

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3 Reasons You Should Choose A Flat Fee Financial Advisor Feb 15, 2024

Many financial advisers charge their fee based on the value of your investment account and the going rate is generally around 1%. Here’s a little-known tip: If your investment accounts exceed...

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The Hidden Tax Benefits of Investment Location Feb 15, 2024

Are you possibly paying more in taxes than necessary? In this article, we’ll explore a strategy that few people are discussing but has the potential to significantly reduce your IRS bill.


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Will Roth IRAs Eventually Become Taxable? Feb 15, 2024

Could Roth IRAs face taxation in the future?

After foregoing the upfront tax benefits of a pretax account for the assurance of tax-free growth, is there a chance the rules could change, making Roth...

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